Do any of these ring true for you?

  • Do you overthink social situations?
  • Do you avoid speaking up? (or self edit when you do?)
  • Do you run out of things to say during small talk?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable in those unstructured moments at work?
  • Do you replay awkward moments over and over after the fact?

If any of those rang true, then you’re just like my private coaching clients.

My clients are typically high-achievers who have been successful in their career.
Often, they're technically skilled, (Lots of STEM people) and that's helped them play at a high level.

But they realize that *just* being technically skilled is not enough.

They have bigger ambitions for their lives and careers.

They know that the next step in both their personal and professional lives is to work on their people skills and charisma so that they can 10x their results.

They want to go from overthinking social events, meetings and interactions to being able to walk into any room and feel great about what they can bring to the table socially.

But before they became my clients, many of them made this classic mistake...

Do you make this classic mistake?

Do you make this classic smart person's mistake?

I call it the DIY Paradox.

What is it?

It's the mistake smart people make when they think "Hey...I could prrrrooobably figure out how to be socially confident on my own."

After that... they get SUPER excited and pour over random articles about small talk, YouTube videos on charisma, books on networking, etc.

It all FEELS really productive, but they aren't getting any closer to their goal.

Pretty soon they get stuck, or motivation slows... and boom, they're right back where they started. (or even worse because they're now confused and they wasted time)

The reality is, information is only half the battle.

The other half?

Getting the right support at the right time.

What if you could...

  • Feel more confident in social situations in your career and personal life?
  • Look forward to those unstructured moments at work?
  • Never run out of things to say during small talk?
  • Rebound quickly from awkward moments?
  • Speak up when you need to?

The good news is that (if you're willing to put in an honest effort) then you might be a great fit for my group coaching program.

I believe it's the best group program in the world to help overthinkers become more socially competent. (and confident)

And I want to show it to you...

Social Accelerator

What is Social Accelerator?

Social Accelerator combines self-paced learning with group coaching to help you become more socially competent. (and confident!)

Dial in your social mindsets so that you start feeling more socially competent and stop overthinking immediately.

Eliminate negative self talk and assumptions that make it 10x harder to socialize confidently.

Simplify how you approach small talk and conversations so that you're not spinning your wheels and running out of things to say.

Elevate your storytelling skills so that you can tell a compelling story anytime anywhere.

Answer your biggest questions about becoming more socially competent (and confident)

Jeff Callahan

How Social Accelerator works

As a Social Accelerator member, you'll have access to the following 5 kinds of support and learning from me:


10+ On Demand Video Lessons

This is the core of the program. I'll walk you step by step through the most essential lessons you need to become more socially skilled and confident. You can learn at your own pace.


2x Per Month Group Coaching Office Hours

Two times per month, you can hop on a 60 minute group Zoom call and get support for wherever you are in the program.


Coaching call video vault

You'll get access to all past group coaching call videos.


The Social Accelerator private Slack channel

Connect with other people in the program, ask questions and share wins as you improve your people skills.


The Social Accelerator Coaching Hub

With quick access to past calls, action steps, and video lessons the Coaching Hub is the launch pad for everything you need in the program.

Sneak Peek Inside Social Accelerator's lessons

Let's look at some of the video lessons included in the program so you can see if it's right for you.

Social Mindsets

Social Mindsets Part One

You'll learn how to view ambiguous events in a positive way, rebound from awkward moments, and how to trigger social confidence.

Social Mindsets Part Two

You'll learn how to deal with your inner social critic, and stop negative self talk from destroying your social confidence.

Starting Conversations

Starting Conversations

You'll learn how to break the ice with new people. You'll also learn about approachable body language and how to make starting conversations automatic.

Dialing In Your Social Energy Level

You'll learn how to enter conversations with the right level of energy and enthusiasm. No more fading into the background!

Conversation Skills

Conversation Skills Part One

You'll learn how to never run out of things to say again, and how to ask the right kind of questions that get people to open up.

Conversation Skills Part Two

Going deeper with people, transitioning from acquaintances to friends.

You'll also learn how to keep a running list of topics that you know people will love and manage a growing social circle.


Part 1: How to tell compelling stories

You'll learn my storytelling framework and apply it to stories from your life.

Part 2: How to tell compelling stories

I break down a few celebrities telling stories so you can see great storytellers in action.

The format and structure [of Social Accelerator] is well-organized and well-sequenced, offering very practical, balanced, and actionable advice. It's applicable to anyone, especially those prone to overthinking (to their own detriment). I now strike up and engage in conversations with 100% presence and focus on others. Paralyzing mind chatter feels like a distant memory. I now let go, enjoy conversations, and connect without distractions!

— Rory

Group coaching calls + private Slack channel

Working through the Social Accelerator video lessons is just part of what you'll get when you become a member.

You'll also get access to two group coaching calls per month where you can show up, ask questions, get real time feedback and help you work through the lessons. (Think about these calls like "office hours" back in college.)

If you ever get stuck between calls, no worries! Hop into the BMC Slack channel and ask for advice to get you unstuck.

Keep in mind that group coaching calls will be the main way you connect with me and ask questions, but I'll be in the Slack channel answering questions, too!

Your coaching hub

The Social Accelerator Coaching Hub is a page that contains everything you need in the program.

  • Links to the group coaching calls
  • 10+ Video lessons of the most essential skills you need to be more socially competent.
  • Recommended action steps for each lesson
  • Link to the private Slack channel
  • Replays of past group coaching calls
  • Bonus: Ideas on where to go to meet new people

After you join the program, I'll create your Coaching Hub and send you the link within 24 hours so you can start watching lessons and doing the action steps!

Meet Jeff

When I started learning how to improve my own people skills 15+ years ago, I felt overwhelmed.

There's SO much information out there and it's hard to know if you're doing the right thing or just wasting your time.

I would have given anything to have someone walk me through exactly what to do and when.

Someone who has worked with clients from...

The good news is that you don't have to figure it out by yourself!

As a coach, I view myself as a human shortcut. I help you become more socially confident and take years off of your journey.

When you start using the right system, you'll start stacking social wins, just like these clients...

What do my clients say?

"I am much more confident as I've got this new found, as you said competence, in my ability to do social activities and handle myself in social conversations." -Julia

"There are a lot of wins. I mean a lot more than I even would have expected. Part of the program you have to track wins and when you do it, it is hard to do because there are a lot of wins." -Alex

Social Accelerator FAQ

What is Social Accelerator?

Social Accelerator is a program that combines self-paced learning and group coaching to help overthinkers become more socially competent and confident.

How much time should I set aside to focus on the program?

I'd block out 2-3 hours per week to work on the program.

In many cases, the majority of those 2-3 hours are built in to your weekly routine. (Think meetings at work, or other events you may already be doing)

Keep in mind that you can go at your own pace with the on-demand video lessons!

What is covered in the program?

In Social Accelerator, we'll cover:

  • Social Mindsets: You'll learn how to view ambiguous social events in a positive way, rebound from awkward moments, and how to trigger social confidence.
  • Social Mindsets: You'll learn how to deal with your inner social critic, and stop negative self talk from destroying your social confidence.
  • Starting Conversations: You'll learn how to break the ice with new people. You'll also learn about approachable body language and how to make starting conversations automatic.
  • First Impressions: You'll learn how to enter conversations with the right level of energy and enthusiasm. No more fading into the background!
  • Conversation Skills: You'll learn how to never run out of things to say again.
  • Conversation Skills: You'll learn how to ask the right kind of questions that get people to open up.
  • Conversation Skills: Going deeper with people, transitioning from acquaintances to friends.
  • Conversation Skills: You'll also learn how to keep a running list of topics that you know people will love and manage a growing social circle.
  • Storytelling: You'll learn my storytelling framework and apply it to stories from your life. You'll watch as I break down a few celebrities telling stories so you can see great storytellers in action.
  • Recommended Action Steps for each group of lessons
  • Live group coaching calls: You'll get access to two live group coaching calls per month where you can get personalized feedback from me as you go through the program!
  • Recordings of past group coaching calls. If you miss a call, catch the replay and learn while I coach others.
  • Private Slack Channel Where you can share wins in between calls, and connect with others in the program.
  • Bonus: 30+ Recommendations on where to meet new people.
  • Bonus: You'll get access to the BMC Spokesbot, an AI chatbot that will help you improve your conversation skills.

When are the group coaching calls?

The coaching calls are Thursdays and Fridays in the afternoon or evening. (Central US time zone)

Inside the program there's a link where you can sign up for a call time that works for your schedule! (Call times should work for the majority of people located in North America, Europe, and Eastern Australia.)

Are the group coaching calls recorded?


All calls are recorded and available for you to watch in the Social Accelerator Coaching Hub.

What are the action steps like? You're not going to have me start 100 conversations in a day, are you?


I firmly believe in pushing your comfort zone, not shattering it.

The recommended actions steps in the program are designed to push your comfort zone so that you feel more socially competent. Just know that if you ever feel stuck, you'll have all the support you need (group calls, Slack, etc.)

What is the Coaching Hub?

The Social Accelerator Coaching Hub is a page that contains everything you need in the program:

  • Links to the group coaching calls
  • 10+ Video lessons of the most essential skills you need to be more socially competent.
  • Recommended action steps for each lesson
  • Link to the private Slack channel
  • Replays of past group coaching calls
  • Bonus: Ideas on where to go to meet new people

After you join the program, I'll create your Coaching Hub and send you the link within 24 hours so you can start watching lessons and doing the action steps!

Are the group coaching calls mandatory?

A good way to think about the group coaching calls is like "office hours" in college.

You can drop in, tell me what you're working on, or just sit back and listen.

So while they aren't mandatory, I'd STRONGLY recommend that you attend to get the most out of the program.

What's the deal with the private Slack channel?

Once you join Social Accelerator and the BMC Slack, I'll add you to the Social Accelerator channel.

This channel is a great way to connect to our small but growing community, ask questions, share wins and more!

(Keep in mind that group coaching calls will be the main way you connect with me and ask questions, but I'll be in the Slack channel answering questions, too!)

What is the investment for Social Accelerator?

Currently, the most popular tier for Social Accelerator is $199 per month*

Social Accelerator is monthly self paced + coaching program. (I recommend clients stay in the program for at least 6 months.)

You can always stay longer or shorter, but 6 months is a good timeframe to see real, lasting change, and work your way though the program. For $199 per month, you'll get:

  • Group coaching calls twice per month so you'll never get stuck again.
  • 10+ On-demand video lessons (learn at your own pace!)
  • Access to the private BMC Slack Channel
  • Access to the Social Accelerator Coaching hub
  • Recordings of all past group calls
  • Action steps and accountability

(Also FYI: There's a new 6 month option for $999...get one month for free!)

* $199 per month until you cancel. Don't worry, canceling the auto renew is easy and no-hassle. There's a link to manage or cancel your subscription right on your Coaching Hub page. Also, there are no refunds on this monthly tier of the program, if it's not right for you, just cancel your subscription.You will maintain access to the program until the end of your subscription period.

Who should join Social Accelerator?

You should join if...

  • Improving your people skills is a high priority and you're tired of feeling socially "stuck".
  • You have 2-3 hours per week to watch lessons, hop on group coaching calls and practice in your daily life.
  • You have at least a few opportunities to practice every week (Think: Meetings at work, hobbies, meetups etc.)
  • You want to put in an honest effort using a proven system and become more socially confident.
  • You're tired of overthinking and trying to "figure it out" on your own.
  • You realize that improvement takes time.

You should skip if...

  • You aren't ready to put in the work to improve your people skills. (Improvement requires work)
  • You have 0 opportunities to practice every week. (Work on creating a few opportunities first, then join the program)
  • You are looking for some "magic pill" that will transform you in 30 days without putting in effort. (Consistency is the real "magic pill")
  • You are under 21 and/or you are unemployed. (Sorry, but this program is designed for people who are financially stable and are over 21.)

Join Social Accelerator Today!

Here are the next steps:

1. Pick the pricing option below that makes the most sense for you.

2. After you checkout, you'll be redirected to an onboarding page where you'll watch the onboarding video, join the next group coaching call, get logged into the private Slack channel, and more!

3. Behind the scenes, I'll build your Social Accelerator Coaching Hub and send you the link within 24 hours, so you can start watching lessons and doing the action steps!

Social Accelerator Monthly Membership



Social Accelerator 6 Month Membership

$999/every 6 months**

Save $195 with a 6 month recurring membership!